
Travel Information on Los Angeles

Dodger President Walter O’Malley’s dream of a Major League Baseball expansion to the West Coast was realized with the opening of Dodger Stadium in 1962. For over 40 years, the ballpark's beauty, with its breath-taking view of downtown Los Angeles to the south, the tree-topped Elysian hills to the north and east, and the majestic San Gabriel Mountains in the distance, has wowed over a 100 million Dodger fans and spectators. 

Recently, the stadium has undergone renovations including the installation of a 100,000 square feet, state-of-the-art bermuda grass playing field. Completely repainted during every off-season, it is one of the best maintained ballparks in Major League Baseball. 

Location: Chavez Ravine, on a hill overlooking downtown Los Angeles
Hours: Baseball Season

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