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Damaging winds is caused by deep depressions. A strong wind will be broadcast on your local radio stations when winds of more than 87km/h are expected over land. You can be better prepared to cope with an emergency plan for your home.

When a Strong Wind Warning is issued

  • Listen to your radio for information.

  • Bring pets inside and move stock to shelter

  • Clear your property of loose materials that could blow about and possibly caused injury or damage during extreme winds.

  • Secure out door furniture and light weight garages.

  • Put tape across large windows to prevent them from shattering.

  • Boat owners should check and secure vessels.

During The Storm

  • Open a window on the side if the building away from the wind – this will relieve pressure from the roof.

  • Close the curtains to slow down flying glasses or other loose objects.

  • Stay away from doors and windows. If the wind becomes destructive, shelter further inside the house. Use a mattress for added protection.

  • Stay away metal and electrical fixtures.

  • Don’t walk around outside.

  • Don’t go driving unless absolutely necessary

  • Beware of “CALM EYE”. If the wind drops, don’t assume the cyclone is over: violent winds will soon resume from another directions. Wait for the official clear.

After The Storm

  • Avoid dangling and broken power lines. Report these to your local authority.

  • Contact your local council for advice about clearing debris.

  • If you are insured for cyclone, contact your insurance company if your house or building is severely damaged by the wind.